Servoy FileWatcher Pro Plugin
This is a plugin that allows you to watch a file or folder for changes on the filesystem, and reports back events to your Servoy methods.
Plug-in Features
- Watch a file or a folder
- Completely recursive! When you watch a folder, you can watch all subfolders, all the way infinitely down into all child subfolders and files.
- Cross Platform: Mac, Windows, Linux
- Fast
- Utilizes native file system calls through JNI instead of the limited Java handlers that are available.
- Apply filters on the watched folders.
- Watch for files with a certain name or extension.
More Info
FileWatcher Pro Plugin
Version 1.0
Servoy Version: 3.x – 5.x
Price: $350 / server
Try it: Contact us for a demo license and more information
Ph: (513) 296-0091
Email [email protected]